Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives by Marc Prensky

. Monday, April 16, 2007
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Name : Marc Prensky
Article : Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives


The best part about this article is the realization of the differences between the old school and the new school. The students in this millenium have change radically and the teachers of old school are struggling to keep up with this drastic turn over of school of thought where most teachers are trying to understand the new methodology in teaching. The core of teaching now focus on the learning of new ways to teach the legacy of education. As students are attracted to the digital and technological approach, it is understood that a new approach in reaching these students must be develop.


Marc Prensky's idea in looking the need to change the methodology in teaching is indeed hitting the core in teaching. The article is giving a very in depth view about our students' methods in learning. They are no longer rely on teachers to gain knowledge because their teachers come in many forms, either in a form of a game, computer, hand phone, i-pod and many others. They are constantly learning new things while the human teacher is still waiting for the students to come!!

My View:

Reading this article made me see my students in a different light altogether. They are born in a world which totally different from what I used to have. The way they approach learning fascinate me because they learn not in the way I want to teach them. More and more I am learning from them and evolved with the wind of change. I am learning to accept that I am a digital immigrant trying to speak their language as digital natives. But it is better to accept the fact that there is always room for improvement and accepting the fact that as teacher, I must be versatile and open for options in making my students a life long learners.


How can I as a teacher make use of the digital infusion to the advantage of the students and myself? Will I be better learner if I am able to learn from my student? Will I be a better teacher even though I am not digital savvy but I am able to teach my students the value of being an intelligent students?


Charles Schaick said...

I believe teachers must make use of the digital infusion to the advantage of both teachers and students and I’m pleased to read that your goal is to teach your students the value of being intelligent students. However, I also believe teachers must show caution when adopting too much new technology into the classroom, without purpose while removing “legacy” education in favor of too much “future” education. As a society, we won’t have a very strong future without preserving the importance of our legacy.