A Close Call!

. Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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a far away view of Selangor from the air!(huh? this has nothing to do with the entry....!)

I am having severe headache after a few hectic days! Waiting is a real pain in the ass...I think I have cursed in all languages possible...(only two though...hehehheh!!)

At last, I had an idea to call my school's office. Oh My God! The letter has been laying in the tray for the past many days...hmmmm!

Then, another bombshell! I opted for Mode B thinking that my friend is also applying for the same mode since her husband has applied for Mode B. Ouch....she opted for Mode A. Urrrggghhh...Now another problem yet to be solved.

And a place to stay overnight with internet connection...Now where to get that?

And I need to find a tuition centre for Anisa, also a babysitter for Sufi while I am attending my classes...

hmmm...this is "headache" and "the pain in the ass"...

But then, to think again...Sometimes, we do need the headache and the pain to realise what is it that we have been missing in life...